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to real-world evolution

  1. Your brain needs safety. Above all, our brains are invested in safeety. They map the cues they receive about what is safe and what is not. Our vast neural networks contain countless maps of safety and danger—maps that shape our perceptions and experiences and dictate our discoverable pathways. Savvy pathfinders understand this.

  2. Your mind is emergent. Your mind is not a place. It's an embodied and relational process. It emerges to regulate the flow of energy and information. And it's a real-time reporter of the maps your brain is making. It reports their nature via sensations, images, feelings, and thoughts. 

  3. Your brain needs your mind. Your brain depends on your mind to monitor and modify the balance of incoming safety and danger cues. Danger cues fuel neuronal firing that looks like fight, flight, freeze or collapse. Safety cues fuel neuronal firing that looks like vitality, clarity, compassion, curiosity, inspiration, readiness, confidence, belonging, and peace. In other words, safety cues shape a vital neuroplastic experience in your brain—and create pathways that lead you where you want to go.

  4. The key is partnership. Most minds require some expansion to sustain a flow of safety cues. How? With tools that harness the brain's superpowers for consciousness. With brainsavvy tools, your mind can attend consciously to safe sensation, imagery, feeling and thought, in partnership with your interoceptive, neuroplastic brain. With increasingly resourceful forms of pathfinding, you find better pathways in real-time and more pathways over time.

  5. Brainsavvy is your birthright.  Neuroscience research is advancing at unprecedented speed, and the age of brainsavvy is unfolding. It's just in time; human nervous systems are facing unprecedented demand. We cannot fight, flee, freeze, or collapse our way into a safe experience: our brain's access to safety lies with our mind.

    Good thing we have two


Thomas Edison

"When you think you've exhausted all possibilities, remember this — you haven't."

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